Wednesday 26 April 2017

Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance (VEJA) with the community discuss Air Quality, Waste Management in Bophelong by Skhumbuzo Tyani

Community members in Bophelong Extension protesting against the gas incident that occurred on 21 March 2017, caused by the Air Product Company

On 21 March 2017—Human Rights Day in South Africa—a gas incident occurred in Bophelong that left community members suffocating and struggling to breathe. The incident was not well monitored. According to a community member, at mid-morning on 21 March he was travelling from his house to the Community Centre when he smelled strong chemicals blowing from the industrial side of the township towards the community. People asked what was smelling so bad and where was it coming from. They closed their doors and windows to hide from the strong smell of chemicals. People tried to call their councillors but they were all attending the Human Rights Day celebrations in Sharpeville. This meant that none of the inspectors from the Environmental Management section within the Emfuleni Municipality attended to the incident on the day, because they and the Air Quality Officer were not at work.

The Bophelong Community blocks the road to the N1 on 22 March 2017

Despite not being able to exercise proper channels of protest, the community of Bophelong protested against the gas incident, believing that senior officials within the municipality would respond to their requests for help. It took three hours of blocking the strategic road that connects Vanderbijlpark with the N1 before the police arrived and tried to disperse the protestors. Then a senior political member of the municipality arrived to address the community. He promised to attend to the matter urgently and said that a response would be forthcoming in two weeks’ time. It is now one month later and there has been no response from the municipality. The Bophelong community has approached the Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance (VEJA), asking it to intervene on this Air Quality issue.

The VEJA workshop for the community of Bophelong, on the issues of Air Quality, Waste Management and Climate Change

A VEJA workshop was held on 20 April 2017 at the Community Centre in Movhango Extension, Bophelong. The workshop was well attended by most of the people who had protested against the gas incident, many of whom were youth and women. VEJA presented a history of Air Quality in the Vaal Triangle since the start of democracy. The Vaal Triangle is a highly industrialised area with a coal fired power station and many small industries, as well as providing a base for much of South Africa’s steel and petrochemical industries. The Vaal Triangle Air Priority Area (VTAPA) was declared the first priority area in South Africa, due to the high levels of pollution in the area, especially Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and other pollutants. The Vaal Triangle Air Shed received attention in the a Government Gazette in 2004, and in 2006 it was declared a priority area. The VTAPA Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) was developed by our government but has not been fully implemented. The main objective of the AQMP for the Vaal Triangle Air Priority Area was to reduce air pollution. It is critical for big industries, especially, to share information and reduce their emissions, according to the vision of the AQMP. Nevertheless, Air Quality in the Vaal Triangle has not improved, up to the present. The AQMP plan is meant to ensure that, once implemented, the air quality in the area will effectively and efficiently be brought to acceptable levels within the standards for emissions.

Illegal Dumping—domestic waste ends up everywhere in townships

VEJA, together with the community of Bophelong, discussed ways and means of improving the situation regarding waste management. Simple living is all about slowing down, enjoying life and foregoing consumerism; a perfect match for caring for the environment. So we need to practice ‘RRR’:

                     1.         REDUCE: Buying what you need/choose products with minimal or bio-                             degradable packaging.
                     2.         REUSE: Repair; Refill; Compost to produce good fertilizers.
                     3.         RECYCLE: Sort waste at home or school so that only waste that cannot be                       recycled ends up in landfill.

The way forward: the community stated that it needs a committee and one representative to communicate with VEJA. The meeting nominated an individual who is expected to organise the next meeting. The next meeting will plan possible activities that can be done jointly, and will negotiate a date for a workshop to be attended by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and the Air Product Company—to give a presentation to the community about Air Quality issues and how to participate in the VTAPA processes, including reporting on incidents.

All meetings must make use of an Attendance Register, which will be kept as a record of interested community members, for invitations to future meetings and workshops. VEJA will ensure that the gas incident is discussed at the Implementation Task Team (ITT) meeting for Air Quality, and will communicate with Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs) from the Emfuleni Municipality. VEJA mentioned that for the past two years Sedibeng have not appointed a new Air Quality Officer. However, we now know that someone has been appointed, as from 01 April 2017.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Breaking News

Today the sevens of February 2017 Rietspruit Water Forum met and different water quality report where present to stakeholder by Emfuleni Municipality, Rand Water, Gauteng Department of Agriculture Rural Development, as usual big corporations and mining companies that continued to pollute VAAL River failed to pitch and present their water report as their the biggest user at the Vaal River System.

Department of water and sanitation show little concern of how Vaal River is being polluted by local municipalities failed water treatment works, and the reports show that there is no improvement in rivers and streams such as E.cole and Phosphate, these means that the Vaal River is highly polluted and these is putting millions of people that use Vaal River at risk.
Department of water and sanitation is under pressure from civil society and community activist, officials explained that the situation is unacceptable and steps needed to be taken but the is no clear plan as how to rectify the situation on the ground as how sewage is spilling from all side of the Vaal Triangle and lack of enforcement has created the lawlessness and every one can pollute water resources without any punishment.

If Rietspruit and other catchment water forums need to be successful,  there is a need for  the DWS to take action and win confident of civil society to make sure that polluters  are been dealt with especially big corporations and failing sewage infrastructure  in the Vaal Triangle and South Africa as a whole.