Tuesday 22 November 2016

What is Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance

Its an environmental Justice Alliance established in 2004. Formally launched in Sebokeng on the 10th October 2006.Has 13 affiliates organizations  from surrounding areas such as Sebokeng, Bophelong, Sasolburg, Evaton, Boipatong and sharpeville. Our office is based in Vanderbiljpark 

The Objectives of VEJA

To promote a culture of environmental awareness and sustainable development
To provide a local network of support and assistance to community –based organizations, non-governmental organizations, trade-unions, religious groupings,woman's groupings and youth 
To perform an educational role in promoting andunderstanding of the inter-related nature of social, political, environmental and economic factors limiting or enabling the achievement of a sustainable, equitable and just society and to promote the wise use and conservation of natural resources.
 To engage with other role players including but not limited to the local authority, provincial government, industry and commerce in order to promote a healthy, safe and sustainable environment 

VEJA established task Teams to focuse on the following issues:

·                      Air quality, climate change and energy

·                      Water Quality
·                      Waste

·                      Environmental health

We focusing on monitoring the following Polluters: 
Arcelor Mittal
Petrochemical industry ( Sasol Chemical Industry)
Local government as a polluter 


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